The act of intentionally creating beauty in your life holds immense power. It allows you to connect with your inner self, heal, and experience more joy!

Join me on the journey to Finding Fantastic Joy!

-Leah Johnson

Empowering Joy: Offerings

Acclaim for “Finding Fantastic Joy”

  • Amazon #1 Best Seller

  • Tattered Cover Colorado Author

Always fierce and never filtered, Leah Johnson’s Finding Fantastic Joy is a tour de force in speaking truth to power. The power of self-doubt, self-examination, and ultimately self-redemption. In these trying times that have left so many of us battered and broken, Finding Fantastic Joy is a book that shows us how to build new and stronger foundations that help guide us toward becoming our best selves. Read it, and you’ll be better off for doing so.
— Will Johnson Senior Vice President, Business Development, Daily Kos

Leah Johnson’s résumé includes the words Obama, Kay Hagen, and City Councilwoman, but what she has come to find out is that “mom” is the best title she’s ever added to her résumé. After a career that fueled her addiction to success and other things, life was dark, and something had to change. Forced to step back, she re-evaluated her priorities and started fresh in many ways. Now she lives with the freedom to be herself and know how far from perfect she is. As an imperfect mother of two, she sometimes says bad words, frequently forgets to pack snacks for school, and on occasion, her kids eat popsicles for breakfast. But she knows she is doing the best she can, and that is all people can do on their journey. She had a whole lot of traumas early in life that made the middle part tough. But through an intense spiritual awakening, a reevaluation of priorities, and kicking a few addictions, Leah has confronted her trauma, found a way to pull herself out of the depths of sadness, and finds herself on a lifelong journey to build a self-advocacy campaign to constantly find fantastic joy.

Through her experience in telling her story, she is now sharing the gifts that led to her finding the path to fantastic joy. After a decade of traveling to Teotihuacan to tap into the healing power of the area and absorb the powerful ancestral healing that can occur in the magical place of Teotihuacan, she now leads groups of women on spiritual journeys.

Through relationships she has made through the years with local healers, she guides you through this fantastically joyful place where your journey will be interlaced with magical people and places unique only to the magic of Teotihuacan.

She also speaks regularly to groups on the power of her journey to find joy, empowering authentic storytelling and self-advocacy.

 Leah grew up in Loveland, Colorado, and has an undergraduate degree from Boston University and half of a master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration from Northwestern University (because, well, sometimes you don’t finish things). She has visited 32 countries, 7 of which she visited with her kids (ages 10 and 6). She has had a 25-year career in campaign politics and public affairs, which she still needs to recover from. Her little family unit is everything to her, and she spends every free moment she can with them, traveling the world or having dance parties in their kitchen.

Meet Leah